How to connect to the server using SSH?

I have connected to my servers through SSH for several times with a little gap of time periods. But most of the time when I try to connect server via SSH I came across any of some simple issues. So, today I am writing this post so that in future if I got again any issue with connecting via SSH, I can refer this, and so you can have this as reference.

Here I use a VPS server from godaddy and I am using Putty for connecting.

You can download Putty from here.

Step 1: Have to create a SSH key using Cpanel of your server.
Step 2: Authorize the Public Key you just created.
Step 3: Download the Private in the converted form of .ppk

Step 4: Open Putty.exe
Step 5: Enter your hostname or ip address
Step 6: Select SSH -> Auth from left column and browse the .ppk key file you have downloaded in Step 3
Step 7: Now click on Open which will opens the command prompt by asking you username.
Step 8: Login with your cpanel username and password.
Step 9: Thats it.
Step 10: To disconnect the SSH connection use the command "EXIT"

Hope this helps you.

For any comments or suggestions please comment.

Thank you.
